
A workflow is a group of related modules and other objects.

Use Workflows to group modules that should be displayed to certain roles within your organisation.



Lists the modules that are contained within the Workflow. Each module can be conditionally displayed based on applied rules.


Allow you to modify the workflow with different ways to filter users. Currently the only Selector is a "Placement Selector" which allows you to run a course placement system on a workflow.


Perform actions when rules are triggered. e.g. You could send an email to someone when a participant answers a question with 'yes' or completes a module.


Variations allow you to perform split tests on your content. Once you have created some variation under this tab you can hide and show content using the Rules system.


Reports are custom content, usually charts, that are displayed in specific parts of your Engageable site. e.g. A report can be used to see how a user had improved since their last session.


Workflow settings control the appearance and functionality of your workflow




The title and other text of the workflow

TitleThe title of the workflow
DescriptionThe description of the workflow
Show Status textIf you would like to show the text "1 of 4 Completed" set this to yes.


Who can see the workflow

Public AccessIf this is set to 'yes' no password or username is required to complete the workflow.
Limit to users with TypeYou can specify types on the user management page. Particpants can self select a type on the user registration page. Choosing a type here will limit the visibility of the workflow to particpants of the selected type.
Choose the role(s) that can access this ProgramYou must have at least one role here for the Workflow to be visible. The workflow will only be visible to the participants who have one or more of the roles specified.

If the Workflow is public this will have consequences for your data and the participant:

  • The answers to a public workflow will not indicate who completed it. unless you ask about their details within the workflow
  • Participants will be able to complete the workflow multiple times
  • Participants will not be able to retreive their answers later.
  • The Participants progress through a workflow may not be saved if they leave the Engageable site.

User Selection

User selection allows a workflow to be completed on behalf of a particpant.

Show select participant pageIf this is set to yes then the workflow will initially display a list of users.The list of users is created based on the roles who can access the workflow (See access above) and the participants that the logged in user is allowed to see.
Show select Location pageIf this is set to yes then the workflow will initially display a list of locations. The location list is based off which locations the logged in user is allowed to see.


When to closeIf set to 'Close on a date' your can set the date the Workflow will no longer be available.
Complete Modules in sequenceIf you set this to no then the participant will be able to complete any module at any time.If set to yes then each module must be completed on after each other.

Message Settings

Send Default MessagesIf set to no then the default module open messages will not be sent. You might set this to 'No' if you want more control over what messages are sent using custom messages. If you set this to yes then the default messages are sent as needed.

Module Completion Message

This is the alert message displayed in to the user in the browser each time a module is completed. e.g. "Thank you for completing the module"


Hide upcoming ModulesIf set to 'Yes' modules will be hidden until they become available.
Image(Displayed above title)The image to display on the card of the workflow.
Overide default coloursIf set to yes you can set a custom colour for this workflow.
Text ColourThe text colour of the Workflow card
Background ColourThe background color of the Workflow card


Allow archiveIf set to yes a drop down arrow will be displayed next to the Workflow title allowing an archive. Archiving resets a Workflow to its initial state. All the previous repsonses are kept.