To insert a chart into word you can use the 'chart' function

The chart function has the following options

chart([values], chartType, [labels], [colours.])

values(required): [value 1, value 2, value 3,...] Each value will become a bar in the chart
Each values must be a number. You can use the tag or answer functions to get values from tags or questions

chartType(optional) should be 'bar' or 'column'
Default: 'bar'


If included the labels will be displayed under the corresponding value

E.g ['Category 1', 'Category 2']

colours (optional)

If included these colours will be used for the corresponding bar value

Colours are in the format of HEX

E.g. ['4472C4', '71AD47']


${chart([gbn('QuestionName1'), gbn('QuestionName2')],'bar',[],['4472C4', '71AD47']
